In Cobar, Outback New South Wales
I'm on a short visit to Outback New South Wales (Far West NSW). I did this same trip at the same time last year but have found it a tad warmer this year. I'm in Cobar this evening where today it reached 37°C (99°F) but being Outback the humidity is very low, the current dew point is 5.8°C (42°F).
Cobar is about 710 km (440 miles) from home so it's usually late afternoon when I get here. After getting fuel the next thing I usually do is visit the cemetery(!) My interest in local history sees me wandering around looking at a selection of headstones the names from which I can later investigate and write up.
Today's interesting headstone is attached to this blog post. Unusually, for this location, it's in French. It turns out that Madame Julie Seraphine Vidal's husband, Georges, operated the French Laundry in Cobar at the height of the town's rich mining days (gold and copper) at the beginning of the 20th century.